Monday, November 16, 2009


One of these days, I'm going to finally know what my life was meant for. I don't mean that in an emo sort of way either, I mean I legitimately look forward to when I can look back and go "uh hah!". Knowing what's going on in life is something a lot of people do not come to realize until late in life, or never at all. I can suffer this, but my thoughts are ever focused on obtaining that relinquishment of when I finally come into understanding of what God meant by all this, what my life was meant for. As Switchfoot would say, "we were meant to live for so much more, but we lost ourselves."

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chatter head, I am!

I'm frustrated. I love to write but I would never think to call myself a writer. There are times I can hardly stand not being able to write out what's swimming around in my head. However, a problem arises when I attempt to actually transcribe what I'm thinking - nothing happens.

In a few minutes I will lay down my head go to sleep (let's face it, it's almost two o'clock in the morning, and I'm not as young as I once was), and I will immediately have multiple plaguing thoughts! All these thoughts are in search of an outlet, considering a dragon can hardly fit in a head the size of a watermelon. I toss all night and brood all day with miniature dilemmas, hardly solving them by keeping them locked away in Fort Knox.

Fort Knox, on the other hand, doesn't always keeps its doors bolted. Any one who has spent more than ten minutes with me (depends on whether I've had my tea that day) can truthfully put forth that I am an incessant chatter head. It often doesn't matter if something is not on my mind. I'll find something to say, mind you, and ninety percent of the time will find it relevant to whatever wasn't being said. Interesting right? No.

Perhaps this is why I find John Mayer's Tweets to be so annoying -- they all sound like they could have come from me! Okay, maybe not all of them, but I gotta wonder.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So many books, so little time.

Perhaps the most challenging part, for me, of getting through Summer 2009 has been an over-supply of opportunity. By opportunity, I am referring to the overwhelming amount of available titles from which I could read. Too many books! There are just plainly too many! I'm an English major, which means I am liable to the unspoken rule that excessive reading should be a daily ritual. I like reading, I really do. However, reading was not designed for people with lives like mine. There is hardly ever room for relaxation in the midst of chaos. My question, then, is how does an English Major keep up with their own field if their life does not allow enough time for ultimate explorations?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

An interesting state of affairs...

If I had to make a list of life-efforts, a concentrated motion towards self-confidence would be near the top. The ability to care what other people think, and yet, be secure in one's own being is a pliable feat.
So I guess what I'm saying is self-confidence is crucial to life? I am now compelled to say "duh".